Puppy Deposit Form


Puppy Deposit form



Amour Frenchies Puppy Deposit Form

(Deposit must accompany this form and have approval before sending)  

Buyer's Name___________________________________E-Mail______________________________

Address:______________________________________City_______________ State______ Zip______Home Phone__________________________ Cell Phone____________________________________

1st Choice Puppy:    Color _____    Male ____     Female ______Either:_____

2nd Choice Puppy:   Color _____    Male ____     Female ______Either:_____

A deposit in the amount of $500.00 is required to hold a French Bulldog puppy.  The deposit must be received within FIVE (5) business days to hold puppy.  Please use Express or Priority mail when sending payment.  The outstanding balance shall be paid, via Certified check or cash, to the Seller at SEVEN (7) weeks of age approximately 1 to 2 weeks before pickup.  The outstanding balance must be paid before the Buyer shall obtain possession of the puppy or any AKC registration papers or health records.  Puppy will not be released prior to 8 weeks old.

The deposit signifies that the Buyer intends to follow through with the purchase of the puppy from the Seller.  If the Buyer cannot follow through with the purchase of the puppy, the deposit is forfeited, and NO refund will be given. 

If by tragic accident the puppy were to die or be determined to have a congenital defect that prevents the puppy from being a companion animal, a full refund of deposit will be given to the Buyer.  If there is another puppy available that the Buyer wants to put the deposit towards, the deposit can be put towards that puppy.  Seller reserves the right to return deposit back within 30 days, if another puppy is not available. 

The Seller reserves the right to void this transaction and refund the Deposit if we feel for any reason the Buyer might not be suitable for the puppy. It can take up to 30 days to return or refund your deposit.   

By your signature on this form, you agree with the terms and guidelines herein. 

Buyer's Signature__________________________________                  

Printed Name _______________________________________________


Buyer's Signature__________________________________                  

Printed Name _______________________________________________



Please make checks payable to and Mail to:
Carol Silva or Michael Dippon
7225 Almond View Court
Orangevale, CA 95662